Mastering the Ultra League: Top-Rated Pokémon Teams for Dominating Raids and Gyms

The Ultimate Guide to the Ultra League in Pokémon Go
The Ultra League in Pokémon Go’s Go Battle League is where the "regular" Pokémon shine, unlike the Legendary-dominated Master League and lower levels of the Great League. Every Pokémon has a chance to make a splash, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t strong team recommendations and strategies to be had.
What is the Ultra League Meta Right Now?
The current Dual Destinies season is a great time to pick up some useful Legendaries for this League. With a mix of types and moves, the Ultra League is filled with a variety of weaknesses. It’s only weak to Grass-type moves (though it’s very weak to Grass), and it has some key advantages, such as STAB Ground-type moves that will hit Poison-type Pokémon like Drapion extremely hard.
The Best Ultra League Team
Here’s a team that’s been doing well in the Ultra League:
- Gastrodon: This Water/Ground-type Pokémon is a powerhouse with Mud Slap, Earth Power, and Body Slam. It even gets the jump on some of its Water-type contemporaries, like Tentacruel.
- Clefable: This Fairy-type Pokémon is a menace for some Dragon-type Pokémon like Guzzlord, Giratina, and more. It has access to Fairy Wind and Moonblast as its Charged Moves.
- Steelix: This Steel/Ground-type Pokémon helps to add some more bulk to this team and act as a wall for the more offensive foes. It has access to Thunder Fang and Dragon Tail as effective Fast Moves, while it can utilize Breaking Swipe and Psychic Fangs as its Charged Move.
IVs and Alternative Suggestions
Here are the IVs and alternative suggestions for each Pokémon:
- Gastrodon: 0/15/15 IVs, alternatives: Quagsire, Whiscash, and Golurk
- Clefable: 0/15/15 IVs, alternatives: Florges, Whimsicott, and Galarian Wheezing
- Steelix: 0/15/15 IVs, alternatives: Registeel, Ferrothorn, and Excadrill
Tips and Tricks
- The main thing to remember with the Ultra League is that it has probably the widest pool of possible Pokémon, so don’t get boxed in. Try out different teams, swap moves around, and try your best to surprise your opponent more than anything.
- For any Pokémon with a max CP above 2,500, you instead want a 0/15/15 IV spread (use the search string ‘0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp’) for a very specific reason. A low Attack stat allows you to get the highest IV spread before you hit the CP cap, as a higher Attack will instead bump up the CP.
In summary, the Ultra League is all about experimentation and adapting to the meta. With a wide pool of possible Pokémon, it’s essential to try out different teams and strategies to find what works best for you. Good luck, and happy battling!