Necrozma raid counters in Pokémon Go

Necrozma is the star of Pokémon Go Fest 2024, making its debut alongside its special forms.
Necrozma changes typing while in its different forms. In its basic, unfused form, it’s psychic-type. When merged with Solgaleo to become Dusk Mane Necrozma, it’s psychic- and steel-type. When combined with Lunala to become Dawn Wings Necrozma, it’s psychic- and ghost-type.
Necrozma will be in raids on Saturday, July 13, and its special Dusk Mane and Dawn Wing forms will be in raids on Sunday, July 14. Note that when you defeat Dusk Mane and Dawn Wing Necrozma in raids, you will have an opportunity to catch Necrozma, but not as its special forms. You will get Solar and Lunar Fusion Energy, which is the resource needed to get these forms of Necrozma by taking down those raids.
Below we explain the best counters against Necrozma raids in Pokémon Go.
Best Necrozma raid counters in Pokémon Go
The version of Necrozma you take on will have slightly different counters, which we list out below. As usual with our counters, we list a mix of the best-of-the-best as well as some easier-to-obtain Pokémon. Even if you don’t have the listed Pokémon, your Pokémon should do just find as long as it has a recommended move type and is powered up.
In general, all three of Necrozma’s forms are weak against ghost- and dark-type moves, so here’s a list of very powerful attackers from those typings:
- Lunala with Confusion and Shadow Ball (ghost)
- Origin Forme Giratina with Shadow Claw and Shadow Force or Shadow Ball (ghost)
- Blacephalon with Astonish and Shadow Ball (ghost)
- Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball (ghost)
- Tyranitar with Bite and Brutal Swing (dark)
- Hydreigon with Bite and Brutal Swing or Dark Pulse (dark)
- Darkrai with Snarl and Dark Pulse (dark)
- Yveltal with Snarl and Dark Pulse (dark)
- Incineroar with Snarl and Darkest Lariat (dark)
Mega Pokémon like Mega Gengar, Mega Banette, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Houndoom will also help you deal out huge amounts of damage, if you have the energy to use them. Using Shadow forms of the listed Pokémon (if they’re available) will also deal tons of damage, but we know that not everyone has the candy or lucky Team Go Rocket spawns to use them.
Necrozma raid counters
Regular Necrozma is weak against bug-, ghost-, and dark-type moves. We recommend using any of the following:
- Volcarona with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz (bug)
- Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite and X-Scissor (bug)
- Pheromosa with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz (bug)
- Vikavolt with Bug Bite and X-Scissor (bug)
You can also use Megas like Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Scizor for some massive damage, if you have them.
Image: Niantic
Dusk Mane Necrozma raid counters
Dusk Mane Necrozma is weak against ground-, ghost-, fire-, and dark-type moves. Use any of the following:
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades or Earthquake (ground)
- Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earth Power or Earthquake (ground)
- Excadrill with Mud-Slap and Scorching Sands (ground)
- Mamoswine with Mud-Slap and High Horsepower (ground)
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Fusion Flare or Overheat (fire)
- Blacephalon with Incinerate and Mystical Fire (fire)
- Volcarona with Fire Spin and Overheat (fire)
- Darmanitan with Fire Fang and Overheat (fire)
Megas like Mega Garchomp, Primal Groudon, Mega Blaziken, or Mega Charizard Y will also help you dish out tons of damage, if you have the energy for them.
Dawn Wings Necrozma raid counters
Dawn Wings Necrozma is very weak against ghost– and dark-type moves, but it has no additional weaknesses unlike its other forms. Using Pokémon from our initial counters list should get the job done.