Unlock the Ultimate MacBook Fix: Mastering Apple’s Secret Workaround

M-Series MacBook Hack: Disable Power-On Lid Lift and Charging

Are you tired of your M-Series MacBook automatically turning on whenever you open the lid or plug it in? You’re not alone. This convenient feature saves you the trouble of pressing the power button, but what if you just want to charge your laptop without powering it on? Apple has now given you the power to customize this behavior.

Why Bother?

Think about it. You usually open a laptop lid to use it, so why would you want it to turn on automatically? It’s like opening a tin of beans without planning to eat them – it just doesn’t make sense. Apple understands this and has provided a solution for those who want more control over their MacBook’s power state.

Getting Started

To modify this behavior, you’ll need to be running the latest operating system, macOS 15 Sequoia. Apple has detailed the steps in a support document, which we’ll summarize below.

The Hack

To keep your MacBook powered off when lifting the lid or connecting to the mains, follow these Terminal commands:

  • Make sure your Mac is running macOS Sequoia or later.
  • Open the Terminal app (found in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder).
  • Type one of the following commands and press Return:
    • To prevent startup when opening the lid or connecting to power: sudo nvram BootPreference=%00
    • To prevent startup only when opening the lid: sudo nvram BootPreference=%01
    • To prevent startup only when connecting to power: sudo nvram BootPreference=%02
  • Type your administrator password when prompted, then press Return.

Expert Opinion

While this tweak is handy, it’s awkward that it can’t be accessed through System Preferences. "It’s nice Apple has added this little workaround," says Chris Smith, "but why it couldn’t just be a toggle in System Preferences I’ve no idea."

A Handy, But Awkward Tweak

If you’re simply looking to charge your MacBook rather than use it, it’s understandable why you might want to disable this feature. A powered-down MacBook charges faster than one that’s turned on, after all. It’s good to see Apple providing this option, but a toggle in System Preferences would have been more user-friendly.

A handy, but awkward tweak

If you’re simply looking to charge your MacBook rather than use it, we can see why it turning on during the process might be a little counter productive. After all, a powered down MacBook charges faster than one that’s turned on. It’s nice Apple has added this little workaround, but why it couldn’t just be a toggle in System Preferences I’ve no idea.

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