Unlock the Ancient Secrets: Palantir Powers Shift in Lord of the Rings’ Rings of Power

The Palantíri of Middle-earth: A Disappointing Twist in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

In the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, the palantíri are ancient, spherical seeing devices that have played a significant role in the lore of Middle-earth. While fans of the Peter Jackson movies will recognize the specific threat that the palantíri pose in the show, the devices don’t quite work as they should in the story.

A Brief History of the Palantíri

The palantíri were originally created by the elves and later given to the Númenóreans, with seven of them surviving the island’s destruction. These devices allowed for communication between the realms of Gondor and Arnor, providing visions of their surroundings during these communication sessions. There’s nothing inherently evil about the palantíri or the images they show.

The Palantíri in The Rings of Power

In the show, the palantíri seem to be treated as evil devices from the start. We see Elendil grabbing a palantír, and it shoots out some kind of power. But this is a departure from the books, where the palantíri were meant to be used innocently and without concern. By treating the palantíri as evil, the show is skipping over the opportunity to show how Sauron’s influence corrupted the devices and led to their downfall.

The Problem with Rushing the Story

At their best, prequels like The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power should tell us how the world got to where it was. They should show us the glory and grandeur of Middle-earth and the cost of letting Sauron rise again. Instead, the show is rushing us back to something familiar: a warped version of a vision in a corrupted palantír. This shortcut is a disservice to the story and the world of Middle-earth.

The Power of the Palantíri

The palantíri are meant to be powerful tools that allow characters to communicate and gain insight into the world around them. But in The Rings of Power, they seem to be used as a means to an end, rather than an integral part of the story. We see characters using the palantíri without fully understanding their power or purpose. This lack of understanding is a missed opportunity to explore the world of Middle-earth and the characters that inhabit it.

A Golden Age of Middle-earth

The show is supposed to be a story about the golden age of Middle-earth, but it doesn’t quite deliver on that promise. Instead of showing us the beauty and wonder of this world, we’re given a rushed and shallow version of the story. The palantíri are just one example of how the show is missing the mark.


The palantíri of Middle-earth are a fascinating part of the lore, and their use in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is a disappointing twist. By rushing the story and treating the palantíri as evil from the start, the show is missing an opportunity to explore the world of Middle-earth and the characters that inhabit it. Instead, we’re given a shallow and unfulfilling version of the story.

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