The World’s Most Underrated Beers, According to 15 Brewers

Hardly a week goes by anymore that isn’t accompanied by a beer release hailed as the next best thing. This makes it all too easy to forget the many exceptional ales and lagers from decades, or even centuries, back.

So we asked 15 brewers from across the country to name a beer they consider underrated. The results run the gamut of styles, and include more than one surprising answer.

Ecliptic Capella Porter

Ecliptic Capella Porter
Ecliptic Brewing
  • Style: Porter
  • ABV: 5.2%
  • Brewery Location: Portland, Oregon

“Maybe it’s a stretch to call a beer that has won gold at [the] World Beer Cup and the Oregon Beer Awards underrated, but this is the kind of beer that often gets overlooked in today’s landscape where raves are reserved for bombastic pastry stouts, hazies and crispy lagers.

“John Harris is a master of the brown porter, so much so that no one else in town need even attempt it! I feel lucky to be able to find this reliably around Portland, fresh, all the time.” — Ben Edmunds, Breakside Brewery


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