The Sims 4 Turns 10: Longest-Running Game in Series Shows Its Age

The Sims 4 is officially 10 years old, and as a milestone, it’s hard to feel anything but frustration. I mean, it’s the only game in the series to reach double digits and still get updates, but that’s exactly the problem. It’s been going strong for so long that it’s become a bloated, oversaturated mess. The game has 79 packs, including kits and stuff packs, which is just absurd. And for what? So we can have more cosmetic options or maybe, just maybe, some new gameplay features? It’s like EA is trying to milk the cash cow for all it’s worth.

And don’t even get me started on the lack of celebration from EA. Not even a simple “10” graphic on their Twitter page? It’s like they’ve completely forgotten about the series. But I guess that’s what happens when you’re too busy stuffing new content into the game, rather than focusing on quality.

The complexity of the game is another issue entirely. It’s hard to make a life sim that’s engaging and fun, and The Sims 4 is no exception. With so many packs and DLCs, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of options and just want to throw your hands up in frustration. And don’t even get me started on the bugs and glitches. I mean, come on, EA, how hard is it to fix a few game-breaking issues?

And the worst part is, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. EA is still churning out new packs and kits, and it’s starting to feel like they’re just trying to keep us buying more and more DLCs. I mean, I love The Sims as much as the next guy, but at some point, you have to ask yourself if it’s all worth it.

So, what’s the solution here? Do we just continue to shell out our hard-earned cash for new packs and DLCs, or do we take a step back and reevaluate what we want from The Sims? I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little tired of the constant drip-drip-drip of new content. Can we please just get a solid game that’s fun to play, without all the extraneous nonsense? Is that too much to ask?

But hey, maybe I’m just being a Grinch. Maybe The Sims 4 is still worth all the hassle and heartache. Maybe. But until then, I’m just going to sit back, relax, and watch as EA continues to churn out new packs and kits, all while ignoring the issues that really matter.

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