Surviving the Cosmic Horror: Alien: Rogue Incursion Review – A Thrilling But Underwhelming Survival Horror Experience

Alien: Rogue Incursion – A Heart-Pumping, Tension-Filled VR Experience
Horror fans, rejoice! Alien: Rogue Incursion is a masterclass in creating an atmosphere of dread and unease, making it a must-play for those who crave a good scare. As you navigate the treacherous corridors of the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions facility, you can’t help but feel like you’re constantly being watched, and the Xenomorphs lurking in the shadows are just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
A Hauntingly Atmospheric Experience
The setting, a labyrinthine facility filled with industrial pipes, dark corners, and the faint hum of machinery, is expertly designed to keep you on edge. The sound design is particularly noteworthy, with every creak of a pipe, every groan of metal, and every screech of the Xenomorph’s terror- inspiring entrance sending shivers down your spine.
A Well-Crafted Story
The narrative is engaging, with a well-balanced mix of hope and despair to keep you pressing on. It’s easy to get immersed in the world of Rogue Incursion, and the game’s storyline serves as an excellent driving force for your adventure. The email logs and audio recordings scattered throughout the game provide additional context and insight into the facility’s SNAFU, making you feel like you’re part of a larger, more sinister scenario.
A Challenging, yet Rewarding Experience
The gameplay is challenging, with a healthy dose of tension and surprise. Sneaking through the dark corridors, avoiding danger, and scavenging for resources is a thrilling experience, and the feeling of accomplishment when you overcome an obstacle is incredibly satisfying.
Try It If…
You’re a fan of survival horror games and VR experiences.
You enjoy a good scare, but want it to be more cerebral and less reliant on cheap jump scares.
You appreciate a well-crafted narrative with engaging characters.
Don’t Play It If…
You’re looking for a game with a lot of action or fast-paced combat.
You’re easily spooked, as the game can be quite intense at times.
You prefer games with more variety in terms of enemy types and encounters.
Alien: Rogue Incursion requires a full range of upper body motion to play, so you’ll need to be comfortable moving your arms and navigating the game world with ease. Additionally, the game uses smooth motion, which can be challenging for VR newcomers, but the game’s strong suite of vignette options made it possible for me to play for extended periods without feeling overwhelmed.
How I Tested Alien: Rogue Incursion
I played through the entire Rogue Incursion campaign on a standard PSVR2 setup, using a regular PS5. I experimented with different difficulty settings and played from both standing and seated positions to see if there were any noticeable differences in challenge or enjoyment.
Overall, Alien: Rogue Incursion is a standout VR experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat for hours on end. If you’re ready for a chilling adventure, be sure to give it a try.