Steam Warns You When an Early Access PC Game May Be Abandoned Forever

Steam’s Warning Flag for Abandoned Early Access Games: What You Need to Know

Warning Signs of Abandonware on Steam

Steam’s early access program allows developers to release their games while still in development, giving players a chance to test and provide feedback. However, not every game makes it out of early access, and some developers abandon their projects altogether. To help protect players from buying into abandoned games, Steam has introduced a warning flag for titles that haven’t received an update in a long time.

While the feature isn’t officially announced, gaming media outlets like Eurogamer and PC Gamer have pointed out the warning flag as first highlighted by SteamDB. One example of this warning in action is the store listing for Cavern Kings, which indicates that the game hasn’t been updated in over eight years.

Not Always a Clear-Cut Case

Not every game with a warning flag is automatically abandoned. Some developers may simply be taking a break or focusing on other projects. Pirate Software’s Heartbound, for instance, has a warning for not being updated in 13 months, but the developer recently posted an update note in January and dropped a patch just days ago on February 1st. This may not be a fully fleshed-out or foolproof feature just yet.

Before spending money on an early access game, it’s essential to do your due diligence. Check the game’s store page for updates, user reviews, and developer communication. Here are some things to look out for:


    * Length of time since the last update
    * Quality and quantity of user reviews
    * Developer activity and communication on social media or forums
    * Whether the game has received any significant updates or patches

Protect Yourself from Abandonware

Steam’s warning flag is a step in the right direction, but it’s still up to players to be cautious when buying into early access games. By being aware of the warning signs and doing your research, you can minimize the risk of buying into abandonware. Remember, not every game that shows a warning flag is necessarily abandoned, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

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