Shocking Porsche Heist: Woman Steals For-Sale Cayenne by Running Over Owner in Daring Theft

Clever Criminals: The Ugly Truth Behind Car Thefts

When it comes to car thefts, you’d expect the thrill of the chase to happen at night, under cover of darkness. But that’s not the case, as a shocking video showing a brazen daylight auto theft in Canada will leave you stunned. Meet a cunning car thief who tricked a car owner out of his Porsche Cayenne, then tried to commit murder.

[Image] A screenshot of the dashboard camera video shows the SUV reversing out of the driveway, with the owner dodging the impact.

An unsuspecting owner in Mississauga, Ontario responded to an ad for his 2022 Porsche Cayenne on AutoTrader and was contacted by a suspicious woman claiming to be his potential buyer. She was waiting for her father but asked to take a peek at the vehicle in the meantime. The owner reluctantly agreed, never suspecting the woman was a sophisticated thief.

In the viral video, the owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, can be seen inspecting the Cayenne in the driveway while the would-be buyer remained in the driver’s seat. Desperate to prove her concerns about the vehicle, the woman asked him to investigate the engine, which caused him to walk around toward the back of the car. That’s when all hell broke loose.

Using the opportunity, the driver floored it, revving the engine and swerving out of the driveway, running over the terrified owner and striking a stationary vehicle on the opposite side of the street. Although the owner was left limping, remarkably, they managed to get back to their feet and approach their damaged vehicle. The theft was so brazenly executed that onlookers were left frozen in time.

But the story is far from over. Analysis of the footage suggests not one, but two cars were involved in the conspiracy. A luxury BMW X5 dropped off the thief at the scene, while an opportunistic Bentley Bentayga waited across the street for the Cayenne to “pick up the package”.

The owner was left hospital-bound with severe injuries after the incident. Despite broken bones, the owner believes they were the lucky beneficiary of adrenaline and managed to walk again within a week. The police are in hot pursuit, seeking three suspects for “auto theft” and “dangerous operation causing bodily harm,” but the truth remains what’s truly sinister: our world is vulnerable to thieving opportunists.

Until the culprits get caught, you can arm yourself with vigilance at home. Learn how a simple security check can avert a crime like the one above, and educate yourself on common car-jacking tactics.

The race against time for the alleged thieves is ongoing. Has the world reached a desperate point where a car gets stolen in broad daylight at the hands of a devious thief, or it’s just another day?

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