Nintendo Sues Amazon for Millions in High-Stakes Battle Against Counterfeit Amiibo Scam

Nintendo and Amazon Team Up to Take Down Counterfeiters of Amiibos and Cartridges

For over a year, Nintendo and Amazon have joined forces to tackle a critical issue plaguing the gaming community: the sale of fake Amiibos and pirated Nintendo cartridges on Amazon’s platform. The partnership has now led to a landmark lawsuit, with the two companies seeking a whopping $7 million penalty against the counterfeiters.

The Case Against the Counterfeiters

According to Polygon, Nintendo and Amazon have calculated that the group of sellers generated at least $2,343,386 in revenue from fake Nintendo merchandise and games. The two companies are arguing that both were significantly harmed by the actions of these sellers, and therefore, a penalty of three times the amount they made is a justified response.

A Summary Judgment in the Making?

With none of the sellers responding to the lawsuit or appearing in court to defend themselves, the two companies’ request for summary judgment may have a strong chance of being granted. This could serve as a deterrent for others considering to engage in similar illegal activities.

A Deterrent Penalty

In their argument, Nintendo’s lawyers wrote, "This [$7 million] amount is conservative and on the low end of the range of damages available for Defendants’ wrongdoing, but it is significant enough to provide deterrence against future counterfeiting conduct."

Other Notable Cases: Fan Films and Supermarkets

Nintendo has previously taken legal action against a Legend of Zelda fan film and a Super Mario supermarket in Costa Rica. The Zelda project was shut down and removed from Kickstarter, while the Mario supermarket was allowed to retain its name due to the fact that supermarkets aren’t protected by any of Nintendo’s trademarks.

Good News for Amiibo Fans: Figures Are Back in Stock

For fans of the Amiibo series, there’s some good news: Xenoblade 2 figures and Metal Gear Solid’s Solid Snake are being reprinted this year. With the upcoming release of Switch 2, it remains unclear whether Nintendo will begin releasing new figures again.

Remember: protecting intellectual property is crucial in the gaming industry. Keep an eye out for those counterfeit Amiibos and pirated cartridges, and support the official products from Nintendo and other game developers.

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