HHKB Studio keyboard review: A Disappointing Experiment Falls Short

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HHKB Studio: Two-minute review

Happy Hacking Keyboard (HHKB) is known for its quirky, niche devices that appeal to a small, dedicated band of enthusiasts. The HHKB Studio doesn’t break that trend but instead leans into it hard, and it’s a keyboard that you’re either going to love or hate. At £325, the stakes are high.

Before we get into the quirks, let’s talk about the more down-to-earth aspects. For one thing, the typing feel of the Studio is absolutely beautiful. I’m not usually a fan of linear switches, but those in the Studio are smooth and responsive, with what feels like an almost perfect degree of travel. There’s no bottoming out here. They also sound lovely and quiet in use, with the one exception of the space bar, which is unmistakably clunky when pressed.

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