Crack the Code: Get the Wordle for October 21 and Solve #1220

New Week, New Challenge: Your Daily Dose of Wordle
Start your week off right with a fresh batch of help for solving the daily Wordle puzzle! Need a nudge or three? Look no further. Here’s a new hint for Monday, October 21, to get you started.
The Mysterious Case of the Spoon
But before we dive in, let’s recap what you’ve learned so far. The game consists of six rows of five boxes, and you need to figure out which five-letter word is hidden within. You can try up to six times to get it right – and remember, you can reuse letters!
Is There a Double Letter in Today’s Wordle?
Yes, there’s a double vowel in today’s puzzle. So, keep that in mind as you try to crack the code.
Wordle Help: 3 Tips to Beat the Game
Ready to take on the challenge? Here are three quick tips to enhance your Wordle experience:
- A good starting word should have a mix of common vowels and consonants.
- The answer might contain duplicate letters, so keep an eye out for them!
- Avoid words that include letters you’ve already eliminated, or it might be a waste of a guess.
The Answer to Today’s Wordle: The Trusty Spoon
And, of course, here’s the solution: SPOON. Pat yourself on the back for making it this far – now, you might want to explore more Wordle-like games out there.
Previous Wordle Answers: A Refresher
In case you’re running low on ideas or want to check out recent answers, here are the last 10 Wordle solutions:
- October 20: DICEY
- October 19: FIBER
- October 18: STINT
- October 17: HALVE
- October 16: GRANT
- October 15: CORER
- October 14: GAMUT
- October 13: PRONE
- October 12: STAIN
- October 11: GUSTY
Stay Up to Date with the Best Wordle Tips and Tricks
New to Wordle? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with expert advice and tips to help you conquer this addictive daily puzzle. Check out our for the best Wordle starting words, answers, and strategies to stay ahead of the game.
Happy solving!