Google’s Reloading Frustration: Fixing the Issue with Notes App on Android and iOS Devices

Google Keep Reloads Its Notes and Gives Android a Fresh Design

What’s Happening:

This week, Google Keep users are being prompted to "reload" their notes, a small but notable change in the note-taking app. The reload process involves saving all notes to the cloud and then removing them from the device, a process that takes a few minutes, especially for those with large numbers of images. Users can also choose to "Snooze" the prompt if they’re not on Wi-Fi.

A Fresh New Look for Android:

Version 5.24.492.x of Google Keep for Android also introduces a design tweak to the app’s notes. The corners of sheets in notes, including the plus, color + background, and overflow menus, as well as the "Remind me later" option, now feature a rounded design.

How to Reload Google Keep:

If you’re seeing the reload prompt, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Keep on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Look for the blue "Reload Keep" banner and tap it.
  3. The app will save your notes to the cloud and then remove them from your device. This may take a few minutes, depending on the number of notes and images you have.

Tips and Tricks:

• Use the Snooze option if you’re not on Wi-Fi and don’t want to reload your notes right away.
• Reload your notes periodically to ensure your data is synced and up to date.

Before and After:

Compare the new and old design of Google Keep’s corners below:

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