Reunite with Your Lost Luggage in a Flash: United Airlines and Apple AirTags Join Forces

United Airlines Takes a Major Step in Reducing Lost Luggage with Apple’s Share Item Location Feature

The Convenience of Finding Your Bag

Have you ever experienced the frustration of losing your luggage while traveling? Apple’s announcement of teaming up with airlines like United to share an AirTag’s location securely was a game-changer. And now, United has taken the first step in making lost luggage a thing of the past.

United’s Integration with Apple’s Find My Network

United has integrated Apple’s ‘Share Item Location’ feature for AirTags and other Find My devices into its system. If your luggage goes missing, you can now share your item locations with United to help make that reunion happen even sooner. And with a lot less stress.

How it Works

When you check a bag with an AirTag inside, you can share its location with United. The airline’s customer service and operations agents can then use the AirTag’s location to help find your bag even faster. The shared URL shows the AirTag’s location on a map, with a timestamp, a radius with the correct accuracy, its coordinates, and updates as it moves within the Find My network.

Easing Your Privacy Worries

Apple has effectively solved the issue of real-time location sharing with United. The airline has worked closely with Apple to ensure that the ‘Share Item Location’ feature is secure and private. To access the feature, you’ll need to authenticate, and United and Apple have implemented whitelisted email addresses and limited views or logins to prevent abuse.

United’s Commitment to Customer Experience

United’s Vice President of San Francisco Hub, Lori Augustine, said, "Our strong partnership with Apple on this game-changing technology empowers every interaction we have to give our customers an experience like never before. United Airlines is driven by the same commitment as the world’s leading tech companies to offer customers world-class products that shape the future."

The Future of Lost Luggage

With United’s integration of Apple’s ‘Share Item Location’ feature, the future of lost luggage looks brighter. The airline’s rollout of this technology couldn’t have come sooner, as the busy holiday season is nearly here. Other airlines will hopefully follow suit soon, as Apple originally teased a list of airlines that will support this feature.


United’s integration of Apple’s ‘Share Item Location’ feature is a major step in reducing lost luggage. With this technology, you can rest assured that your bag will be found even faster, and with less stress. The future of travel is looking brighter, and we can’t wait to see what other innovations are on the horizon.

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