Google Fi SIM Complaints: Manufacturing Flaw Causes Card Failure for Some Users

Google Fi Reveals SIM Card Issue Affecting Some Users

According to a recent email sent to impacted subscribers, Google Fi has acknowledged an issue with SIM cards failing for some users. It appears that a manufacturing issue has led to SIM cards malfunctioning, resulting in an "Insert SIM card" error message, even if the SIM card has not been removed.

The Problem: What’s Happening

Unfortunately, some users have been experiencing this issue, which can occur even after activating a new SIM card. This has left many wondering what’s going on, why their SIM card isn’t working, and whether it’s a問題 with their device or with Google Fi’s service.

The Solution: What’s Being Done

To address this issue, Google is reaching out to those who have been affected in the past or are currently using an impacted SIM card. Those in the former group are receiving a $60 service/bill credit to their account. For those who are still experiencing the issue, Google is recommending a switch to a new SIM card to avoid any unexpected failures.

An Easier Alternative: eSIMs

If you’re considering this option, Google Fi recommends moving to an eSIM, which has been a popular choice for many users. If you’re not sure about using eSIMs, you can always order a new physical SIM card with expedited shipping for free. This is especially useful for older devices.

What You Need to Know: How to Get Started

If you’ve received an email about this issue, it’s recommended that you take immediate action to resolve the problem. Don’t wait until it’s too late, as you don’t want to experience any unexpected disruptions to your service.

To get started, you can:

  1. Contact your Google Fi representative: Reach out to your Google Fi team to discuss your options and get assistance with resolving the issue.
  2. Order a new SIM card: If you haven’t already, you can order a new SIM card with expedited shipping for free, especially if you’re using an older device.
  3. Consider an eSIM: If you’re interested in switching to an eSIM, you can do so by contacting your carrier directly or visiting their website.


In conclusion, Google Fi has acknowledged the issue with SIM card failure and is taking steps to resolve it. If you’re among the affected users, it’s essential to take action to resolve the problem and get back to a normal service. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to your Google Fi representative or visit their website for more information.

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