The Rise of the Underdog: How a Little-Known Knife Brand Conquers the Industry with Two Impressive Awards

The Story Behind Poikiloblade: Founded by Passionate Knife Enthusiasts

When and where was Poikiloblade founded, and what inspired you and your partners to start the company?

A few years ago, I, a knife collector and enthusiast since 2007, and my partner, Vince Wang, a balisong collector since 2016, combined our passion for these remarkable tools to create a brand that showcases innovative and unique products.

Our shared passion for balisongs sparked lively discussions about enhancing these versatile tools. As we delved deeper into the world of knives, we expanded our focus to include folding knives, which inspired us to design and create our own distinctive products. Fast forward a few years, and we proudly showcased a dozen of our designs at the 2024 Blade Show West.

Manufacturing and Headquarters

Our products are carefully manufactured in China, while I’m based in Hayward, California. This proximity to the Asian market enables us to maintain close contact with our suppliers and ensure the highest quality standards for our products.

[Image: poikilo orca details]

The Story Behind the Name and Logo

The term "Poikilo" originates from the scientific term "Poikilotherm," which describes organisms that possess a variable body temperature, much like lizards. This concept resonates with our desire to create products that adapt to the dynamic knife community, bringing both excitement and satisfaction to their owners.

Our logo features a chameleon, a reptile renowned for its vibrant colors and remarkable ability to change its appearance for camouflage. This symbolizes our commitment to creating knives that adapt to the ever-changing world of knife enthusiasts.

[Image: poikilo orca blade show west awards]

As you can see, the Orca with its two big awards is a testament to our success at Blade Show West. We’re thrilled to have exceeded our own expectations and we’re grateful for the support of the knife community, which has allowed us to realize our vision of creating unique and innovative products.

By combining our passion for knives, collaborating with like-minded individuals, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, we’re excited to continue sharing our vision with the world.

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