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Steam Removes Forced Arbitration Policy, Opening Door for Lawsuits Against Valve

Steam, the popular digital distribution platform, has made a significant change to its user agreement. Gone is the forced arbitration clause, which previously waived users’ rights to a trial in court. Instead, the company is now agreeing to settle disputes in a court of law.

What is Forced Arbitration?

Forced arbitration is a clause often included in user agreements, which requires users to settle disputes outside of a legal system. This process is often faster, but may not provide the best results for consumers. Arbitrators, who are not required to consider the law when making decisions, can issue verdicts that are difficult to appeal or review.

Why is This Change Important?

The removal of the forced arbitration clause is significant because it gives users the opportunity to seek justice in a court of law. This change also opens the door for lawsuits against Valve, the parent company of Steam. By agreeing to settle disputes in court, Valve is essentially giving up its ability to force users to settle disputes outside of the legal system.

What Led to This Change?

It’s unclear why Steam decided to remove the forced arbitration clause. However, it’s possible that the company’s decision was influenced by a recent challenge to its forced arbitration policy. A group of plaintiffs had filed a class action lawsuit against Valve, alleging that the company’s dominance in the market was unfair. The removal of the forced arbitration clause may be seen as a way for Valve to avoid this lawsuit.

What Does This Mean for Users?

The removal of the forced arbitration clause is a significant change for Steam users. It gives them the opportunity to seek justice in a court of law if they feel that they have been wronged by Valve or Steam. This change also provides a level of transparency and accountability, as users will now be able to hold Valve accountable for its actions.


The removal of the forced arbitration clause by Steam is a significant change for the company and its users. It provides users with the opportunity to seek justice in a court of law and opens the door for lawsuits against Valve. This change is a step towards greater transparency and accountability for the company.

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