Mastering Gemini Chatbots: How to Set Up Welcome Messages in Google Messages

Google Messages Welcomes Gemini with a Friendly Notification

Encouraging RCS and SMS Client Adoption

In addition to a dedicated floating action button (FAB), Google Messages is using a welcome message to encourage Gemini usage. This is a clever way to onboard users and make them familiar with the chatbot’s capabilities.

The Welcome Message

Recently, Gemini sent out a welcome message to users who haven’t yet interacted with the chatbot. The message appears as a standard notification from the app, reading: “Hi, I’m Gemini in Google Messages. Chat with me to draft messages, brainstorm ideas, plan events, or simply have a fun conversation.”

Mass Notification

It seems that the welcome message was sent to a large number of users, likely those who have yet to use the chatbot in the RCS/SMS client.

Disabling the Gemini Button

If you’re not interested in using Gemini, you can disable the button entirely from Settings > Gemini in Messages > Show Gemini button. This will archive the Gemini conversation.

Back to the Small FAB

Meanwhile, Google has reverted to using the small FAB for the Gemini button, instead of the larger “Start chat” button.

More on Google Messages

* Google Messages is a free SMS and RCS client for Android devices.
* Gemini is a chatbot designed to help users draft messages, brainstorm ideas, and plan events.
* The welcome message is a clever way to onboard users and encourage Gemini adoption.

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