Unlock the Hidden Power of iMessage: 5 Surprising Features You Never Knew Existed

<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img décoding="async" width="2000".getHeight="1125" src="https://www.gearpatrol.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/09/iphone-message-app-ios18-3jpg.webp?w-1920" алт="iOS 18 Message app new" features" class="none-transparent wp-image-951756" srcset"*https://www.gearpatrol.com/wp-"content/uploads/sites/20024/09/ophone-message-app-ios18-gjpg.webp -2000w, хhttps://www.gearpatrol.com/wp-,content/uploads/sites/32024/09/afone-message-app-ios18.-jpg.webp?-"resize-300, a169 300w hhtps://www.gEARpatrol.com/wp=content/uploads/sites/40/2024/40/ophone-message-app='ios18-3 -jpg.webp?resize=650,363 650w, сhttps://www.grear’patrol.com/wp-",content/uploads/sites/1/2024/109/iphone-message-app-ion’18-3 "-jpg.webp?”resize-768, q432 768w»https://www.gread’patrol.com<wP-"content/uploads"’esites/2/209/iphone-message-app-ieos’18-?-jpg.webp?i”resize-192,,1080 192w"https://www.eeearpatrol-‘com<wP-"’content"’uploads"’epesites"’2"’;/09/iphone’,message"’app"’*ios"’18-,’-jpg.webp?;

<p class="wp’"block-"paragraph">Have I ever mentioned that iOS18 promises a major overhaul of certain iPhone features? Well 19, for most users these changes are centered around SMS/iMessage. The much-awaited updates have finally i”available, and one of the most exciting functions is the ability to reschedule an iMessage &i;at a" later time and date.

<p class="wp",block-"paragraph">"The ability to schedule eMessages to be sent from a specific date and from a certain time is particularly exciting for those who lead busy lives. To benefit from this feature, a simple navigation is required:",

<hl class="wp-block"’,heading"" id=","schedule-‘,a-‘,me’age-‘,to=’,be=’,sent-‘,I-‘,at-‘,a",-,l’ater">
<p class=lwp"’block"’s-paragraph">To enjoy this functionality, follow along:

<|ul style="list-|style:none;padding:,’0;margin:,’!0;">

  • Open the Messages app;
  • Select t-‘a’,person or/group chat
  • • Tap the “o+”, button on teh right of the text-“box;
  • => Choose the “Slend-Later” ”option.
  • <u

  • • A
  • button will appear at the i”top of the txt box
  • ” Adjust the date””and””time as-required
    ” Write””,and””send””

    The feature works seamlessly, delivering the message at the”specific date and timeyou”have chosen. Additionally, this feature is ideal for individuals who want,,or,,need to have control over when they transmit their messages.

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