Unbeatable Display Dominance: This Controversial Manufacturer Takes Down Samsung and LG in OLED Showdown

BOE Displays: Can They Finally Convincingly Woo Apple with OLED Technology?

A Bold Move: BOE Designing OLED Displays that Trump Samsung and LG

Apple’s flagship devices are renowned for their stunning displays, but perhaps not for their refresh rate. To meet this requirement, Apple partners with other display manufacturers like Samsung and LG. However, another Chinese company, BOE, has been trying to break into the market with its OLED technology. Could they finally be the solution Apple has been searching for?

At the recent Innovation Partner Conference in Beijing, BOE unveiled an innovative OLED prototype that boasts 95% of BT 2020, outpacing Samsung’s 90% and LG’s 70%. This impressive development showcases richer colors, further solidifying BOE’s position as a potential key player in the display supply chain.

The Ups and Downs of Working with BOE

Apple has explored partnering with BOE multiple times, but previous deals have hit roadblocks. The company was initially entrusted with supplying displays for iPhone 14, but production delays and altered designs ultimately led to the arrangement’s cancellation. Similarly, efforts to supply displays for iPhone 15 were hampered by difficulties in creating the necessary cutouts for the camera and sensors, necessitating a second cancellation.

Moreover, Samsung filed an import ban against BOE, alleging intellectual property infringement. These setbacks have continued to hinder BOE’s integration into Apple’s supply chain.

Fresh Start, New Challenges

It’s unclear whether BOE’s latest OLED prototype, showcasing its impressive color richness, will be enough to persuade Apple to take a chance on the company again. If BOE can deliver reliable, high-quality displays at a competitive cost, Apple might be compelled to reconsider their partnership. However, this would mark a significant shift in BOE’s fortunes, turning a history of missed opportunities into a new beginning.

What do you think? Are BOE’s OLED prototypes a game-changer? Let us know in the comments!

[Image credit: BOE]

[source: BOE OLED prototype – mid-final.jpg, BOE OLED prototype mid-final.jpg]

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[Image credits: BOE]


[source: BOE OLED prototype – mid-final.jpg, BOE OLED prototype mid-final.jpg, BOE OLED prototype-mid-final.jpg]

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