Mysterious Club 33 Ban Devastates Disney Adults in $400,000 Lawsuit Loss

The Dream of Club 33

A California Couple’s Quest for Exclusive Disney Luxury

Imagine spending over 125,000 dollars annually on a luxurious Disney vacation, only to have your dream shattered by a court ruling. This is the story of Scott and Diana Anderson, a California couple who lost a lawsuit against Disneyland, resulting in a permanent ban from the park’s exclusive Club 33.

The Andersons’ Disney Obsession

From 2012 to 2017, Scott and Diana Anderson paid Club 33’s yearly $31,500 dues. They spent around $125,000 annually visiting Disneyland, making them some of the park’s most ardent fans. The exclusive dining venue, Club 33, is a beloved spot for Disney enthusiasts, boasting props from Disney films, original animation cels, and art nouveau design features.

The Ban that Changed Everything

The couple’s dream came to an abrupt halt on September 3, 2017, when Scott Anderson was allegedly found by security guards showing signs of intoxication. The guards reported that Anderson’s breath smelled of alcohol, and he struggled to stand. This incident led to a permanent ban from the park, following a previous suspension for Diana Anderson for using foul language at Club 33.

A Legal Battle

The Andersons asked Disney to reimburse them $10,500 for the four months they paid for but could not use. They also requested an additional $231,000. However, their case was dismissed, leaving them with mounting legal bills. Despite this, they plan to appeal, and Scott Anderson has even suggested selling a kidney to continue the fight.

Fighting for Their Dream

The Andersons’ attorney, Sean Macias, argued that Scott Anderson was not intoxicated but suffered from a vestibular migraine, which triggered his symptoms. Disney’s attorney, Jonathan E. Phillips, contended that the couple was trying to avoid the consequences of Scott’s actions, which had cost his wife her lifetime dream of access to Club 33.

The Cost of Litigation

The legal battle has taken a significant toll on the couple, with costs exceeding $400,000. Despite this, Scott Anderson remains determined to clear his name and regain access to Club 33, stating, "My wife and I are both dead set that this is an absolute wrong, and we will fight this to the death."


The Andersons’ story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of accountability and the consequences of our actions. While their experience may be extreme, it highlights the value of honesty and integrity in our everyday lives.

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