Practicing Self-Compassion: Even in Traffic, Be Kind to Yourself

So, Charles Leclerc, the Ferrari driver who’s only 26 but has already won the Italian Grand Prix and his home race in Monaco – big deal, right? I mean, the guy’s a total rockstar, but even rockstars are human, and that’s exactly what happened when he got caught on camera rear-ending another vehicle while driving his Ferrari Purosangue in Monte Carlo. Yeah, you read that right – a Purosangue, the supercar that’ll set you back a cool $398,000. Who knew even Formula 1 champions could have fender benders?

Apparently, Leclerc owns a silver Purosangue and reportedly drove it to Monza last week, and when this mishap went down, he slowly reversed his Ferrari while the struck vehicle inched forward. The whole thing looks like a scene from a Hollywood movie, complete with a dramatic soundtrack – but hey, at least Leclerc and his passenger made some friendly gestures before they drove off.

The video was posted to TikTok by user cameroncamasi, who happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture the whole thing. And honestly, I think we can all relate to making mistakes – even world-class athletes like Leclerc. I mean, who hasn’t gotten behind the wheel and had a moment of absent-mindedness? It’s a reminder to go easy on ourselves and not beat ourselves up over little mishaps.

As for the owner of the vehicle that got hit, well, I think it’s safe to say they’re going to get a pretty cool story to tell out of this one. And hey, it’s not every day you get to say you got rear-ended by a Formula 1 champion, right?

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